What is Chemical Potential?

For a chemical system, molar free energy is known as Chemical Potential.

A chemical substance that is free to move from one place to another place, will move spontaneously from a state of higher chemical potential to a state of lower chemical potential.

In the position of equilibrium, the chemical potential is constant through the entire system.

Let us consider a general heterogeneous system consisting of an independent components in several coexisting phases.

To start with, it is convenient to describe a given phase by its chemical composition, which is specified by the no. of mole 'Ni' of each species i, its volume V and its entropy 'S'.

If we consider internal energy (U)

μi=❴∂U/∂Nᵢ❵S,V,Nj ; j= except 'i'

'μi' is chemical potential of component 'i' in given phase.

dU=TdS-PdV+Σμᵢi.dNᵢ for i=1...n

We can also consider chemical potential 'μ' in terms of Helmoltz free energy 'F'.

F = F(T,V,N₁,N₂......Nn)



The chemical potentials are thus the rate of change of free energy per mole, at constant volume and temperature.

μ can also be expressed as


A System in external field will be in equilibrium if the temperature and chemical potential of each component of the system is constant through out, i.e.

dT₁=0 and dμᵢ=0

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