What is the purpose of Hall Effect? 

 It is often necessary to determine whether a material is P-type or n-type. Simply by measuring conductivity we cannot distinguish between hole and electron conduction.
The Hall Effect can be utilized to distinguish between two types of carriers, and it also allows the density of charge carriers to be determined.


 If a piece of semi conductor carrying a current is placed in a transverse magnetic field, an electric field is produced inside the conductor in a direction normal to both current and magnetic field. This effect is known as Hall Effect and generated voltage is called Hall Voltage.

Consider an n-type semiconductor slab; the current flow consists off almost entirely of electrons moving from right to left. This corresponds to direction of conventional current form left to right.

If ‛V’ is velocity of electrons at right angle to magnetic field, there is a down ward force on each electron of magnitude Bev. This causes the electron current to be deflected in a downward direction and causes a negative charge to accumulate on bottom face of slab. A Potential Difference is established from top to bottom of specimen with bottom face negative. This Potential Difference causes Electric field ‛EH’ in negative ‘Y’ direction and therefore a force ‘eEH’acting in upward direction on electron.
Equilibrium occurs when
                                                eEH = BeV     ------------------- (1)
                                                EH  = Bv   -------------------------(2)
If  Jx is current density in X – direction then
Jx= neV;

‘V’ is average drift velocity,
‘n’ is concentration of current carriers


The hall effect is described by means off Hall coeff 'RH', defined in terms of current density 'Jx' by relation.


In this case RH=1/ne; negative sign is used because electric field developed is in negative Y-direction.

All 3 quantities EH, B and Jcan be measured and so the hall coeff and carrier density ‛n’ can be found out.

Determination of Hall Coefficient

The Hall Coefficient is determined by measuring the Hall voltage that generates the Hall field. If ‛VH’ is Hall voltage across sample of thickness ‛t’, then 


If ‛b’ is width of sample then is cross section will be ‛bt’ and the current density




Note: - the polarity off VH’ will be opposite for ‛n’ type and ‛P’ type semiconductors.

There is another interesting quantity called Hall angle defined by eqn


Applications of Hall Effect

Determination of semiconductor Type
For a n-type semiconductor, the Hall coefficient is negative where as for a p-type semiconductor it is positive. Thus, the sign of Hall coeff can be used to determine whether a given semi conductor is ‘n’ or ‘p’ type.

Calculation of carrier concentration

The hall voltage 'VH' is measured as usual by placing the two probes at centers of top & bottom faces of sample.

Measurement of magnetic flux density

Since Hall voltage is proportional to magnetic flux density ‛B’ for a given current Ix thru a sample, the Hall effect can be used as basis for the design of a magnetic flux density meter.

Hall Effect multiplier
If the magnetic flux density ‛B’ is produced by passing a current I’ thru an air core coil, ‛B’ will be proportional to I’. The Hall voltage is thus proportional to product of I & I’. This forms the basis of multiplier.

 Measurement of Hall Voltage helps in the following

  1. The sign of current carrying charges can be determined.
  2. The number of charge carriers present in unit volume can be calculated from magnitude of RH.
  3. Mobility of charge carriers may be obtained directly from Hall Voltage. 


Light is a wave phenomenon (though this statement is not the whole story). Our best evidence for this proposition is interference, as in double slit interference & Refraction is very good evidence, too.

Out of what, is a light wave formed?

The straight answer is from "Electric & Magnetic Fields". A light wave is always formed from both electric & magnetic fields. The fields always point perpendicular to the propagation direction, that is perpendicular to direction in which light is traveling.

When light interacts with electrons, the exchange of energy occurs in a grainy fashion. The amount of energy exchanged is always hv, where 'h' denotes Planck's Constant and 'f' is the frequency of the light wave. The graininess introduces the photon.

In which way should we think of a Photon as a particle? Indeed as a "particle of light"?

a) A photon has energy, and it has momentum. these are nice particle like properties.

b) We cannot ascribe to a Photon, a definite continuous trajectory.

c) It is tempting to think of a light beam as merely a hail of Photons, but it is also incorrect. Don't do it. A wave traveling through space is better picture.

d) The graininess of light manifests itself primarily when light interacts with charged particles. Thus the Photon notion is needed primarily at the start and finish of a Light beam's travel through space.

Indeed, the Title of Einstein's " Photon" paper was this:

"On a heuristic point of view concerning the production and transformation of Light." The word "heuristic" means "stimulating discovery or further investigation" and indicates a tentativeness. More significant for us  is Einstein's specification of "Production & Transformation of Light". We should understand production to mean the emission of light. By "Transformation", Einstein meant the combination of absorption followed by emission.

And in the body of paper, Einstein devoted extensive space to the absorption of light by metals and molecules. Einstein had clearly in mind the interaction of light and electric charges when he introduced his particle theory of Light.

It is better to represent Photon as

as it reminds us the "Particle" aspect of light - The Dot; The wiggly line - "Wave" aspect of the light.

Physics is not able to provide a valid, intuitive picture of Photon, and that is why none appears in this book.

Photons and Waves are inextricably linked.

Major connections are following three

i) Energy of Photon=hv

ii) Momentum of Photon=hv/c

iii) Probability of appearance of Photon ~ square of 'E' of EM wave

Note:- The Photon idea appears on Left and Wave idea on Right.

When to use Wave concept & Photon concept?

use wave picture for describing interference, refraction, reflection and phenomena with Polaroid sheets; use the Photon idea for describing the interaction of light and electric charge, that is, for describing absorption and emission of light.

In a letter dtd. 12 Dec 1951, when Einstein was 72 years old, Einstein wrote these lines to Besso:

"The entire 50 years of deliberate pondering have not brought me closer to an answer to question "what are light quanta(i.e. Photons)? Today, every Tom, Dick and Hary believes that he knows, but he deceives himself."

Does Physicists understand light?

When it comes to equations, Physicists understand light very well indeed. For instance, theoretical calculations in 1950's laid the foundation for the first Lasers(which were constructed in early 1960's). In no way were LASERs accidental discoveries.

Providing pictures to capture the essentials of what the equations have to say is quite a different task. Sometimes a wave picture will do the job; at other times, it will not. And the same is true for Photon description. But where one description fails, the other succeeds thus there in lies the "complimentary" and for us there is a lesson in humility.

Light is a more subtle phenomenon than any single one of our everyday concepts can describe.