Comparison between "Series" & "Parallel" Combination of Inductors

 Let L1 & L2 are inductance of two Inductors. Ls is series inductance and Lp is parallel inductance for the two Inductors. M is "Mutual inductance".



Ls = L1 +L2


If both coils are placed close to each other,

Ls = L1 +L2 ± 2M

Lp = L1L2/L1 +L2


If both coils are placed close to each other,

Ls = L1L2 – M2



If ‘n’ coils of equal inductance ‘L’ are put in series, then Ls = nL

If ‘n’ coils of equal inductance ‘L’ are put in series, then Lp = L/n



Ls/Lp = n2

Lp/Ls =1/ n2



Voltage ‘V’ is divided

Voltage ‘V’ is not divided

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