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Showing posts with label diffraction. Show all posts


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It is a very weak form of magnetism that is non permanent and persists only while an external field is being applied. It is induced by a change in orbital motion of electrons due to an applied magnetic field. The magnitude of induced magnetic moment is extremely small, and in a direction opposite to that of applied field. Thus relative permeability is less than unity and magnetic susceptibility is negative. When placed between poles of strong electromagnet, diamagnetic materials are attracted towards regions where field is weak.        


A pure extremely hard, high refractive crystalline form of carbon naturally crystallized in isometric system, which is usually colorless and is used as a gemstone and in abrasives, cutting tools etc.

Diatomic Molecule

Molecule containing two atoms.

Diatonic Scale

It is a musical scale in which 8 tones of some definite frequencies are arranged such that the frequency of the 8th tone is twice the frequency of 1st tone.

Dielectric Constant

It is macroscopic quantity that measures how effectively an electric field polarizes the material. It is property of a dielectric material which determines the amount of electrostatic energy that can be stored by material when a given voltage is applied to it.  

Dielectric Materials

They are materials which are electrical insulators or in which an electric field can be sustained with a minimal dissipation of power. There are two types of dielectrics: i) Polar ii) Non-polar. The dielectrics are used for separation of conductors in capacitors to store energy.

Dielectric Strength

The maximum electric field, a dielectric can withstand before reaching breakdown condition is called as dielectric strength of dielectric.

Differential Equation

A differential equation is the mathematical equation for an unknown function of one or several variables that relates the values of the function itself and its derivatives of various orders. 


Derivative of continuous function at a given value will give rate of change of function near that value.


The bending of waves at the corners of an object is called diffraction.


Deviation of light from rectilinear path is called as diffraction. The phenomenon was discovered by Grimald in 1665.

Diffusion Coefficient

It is the constant of proportionality between the diffusion flux and the concentration gradient in the Fick’s first law. Its magnitude is indicative of rate of atomic diffusion.

Diffusion Flux

The quantity of mass diffusing through and perpendicular to a unit crossectional area of material per unit time is called as diffusion flux. 

Diffusion Pump

Pump used to attain high vacuum of order 10-6 mbar.  The pump consists of leak tight enclosure in which there is bath of fluid having low boiling point, surrounded by heating coil. Water is circulated on the side walls of container to prevent thermal run away. The fluid which gets heated turns to vapor and rises above. Upon cooling, the fluid falls again to bath with high speed. While falling, the fluid takes the air molecules and thus creates low pressure region at the top. Due to this low pressure region, there is transport of molecules from the system to be evacuated. The molecules diffuse into vapor jet in a diffusion manner.  


Physical phenomenon of transport of mass by atomic motion due to difference in concentration levels is called as diffusion.

Diffusivity (Mass ) or Diffusion Coefficient

The rate, at which quantity of a substance diffuses from one region to another region through each unit of crossection per unit time when the volume concentration gradient is unity, is called as diffusivity.

Diffusivity (Thermal)

It is measure of ability of a substance to transmit heat for a difference in temperature. It is expressed as thermal conductivity divided by the product of specific heat capacity and density. It is measure of thermal inertia.


Symbol used to make numerical.


Technology of representing data using discrete values.


Scientific instrument that measures volume changes caused by a physical or chemical process.

Dilute Magnetic Semiconductor

Alloy formed by replacing few original atoms in semiconductor by magnetic elements. The most common dilute magnetic semiconductors are II-VI compounds (like CdTe, ZnSe, CdSe, CdS, etc.), with transition metal ions (e.g. Mn, Fe or Co) substituting their original cations. The information is not only carried by charge but also spin of electrons, an additional degree of freedom. The compounds are useful for novel electronic devices.