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Fraunhofer Lines

When sun’s light is allowed to fall on slit of a spectrometer, its spectrum is found to consist of many dark lines. The lines are called Fraunhofer lines. The number of lines is approximately 700. These lines are due to absorption of certain wavelengths in sunlight by gases in sun’s outer sphere.   

Fraunhofer’s Diffraction

Type of diffraction in which light rays from a source of light kept at a finite distance are made incident on obstacle or aperture in form of a parallel beam by using a convex lens. The source is placed in focal plane and convex lens. The light rays diffracted by obstacle or aperture are focused on a screen kept at a finite distance by means of another convex lens with which screen is placed in its focal plane. The diffraction pattern in this is the image of source.

Free Electron

Electron which is not bounded to any atom or molecule or ion and moves freely in crystal structure under influence of constant electric potential is termed as free electron.

Free Fall

It is motion of a body due to only gravitational force acting on it. Freely falling bodies doesn’t get influenced by air resistance and they accelerate downwards with 9.8m/sec.

Free Oscillation

The oscillation of a physical system with its natural frequency and under no external influence other than impulse that initiated the motion is called as free oscillation.

Free Vibration

When a particle vibrates continuously under no external force such as friction etc, then such vibration is called free vibration.

Freezing Point

The temperature, at which vapor pressure of solid phase of a substance becomes equal to vapor phase of its liquid phase, is known as freezing point of a substance.

Frenckel Defect

The type of defect in crystalline ionic substance, in which, the ion, instead of being in its expected location, is found in one of the interstices. Frenckel defects are more common in ionic crystals where size of cation is such that it can be accommodated in interstitial sites.

Frequency Modulation

Type of modulation in which frequency of carrier wave is changed in accordance with intensity of the signal without changing amplitude.  



The rate at which an event occurs over a particular period of time or in given sample is called frequency. It can also be defined as number of cycles per unit time.

Fresnel Biprism

Optical device consisting of two prisms of very small refracting power, set base to base and which forms two images of a single source. It is often used to produce interference fringes.

Fresnel’s Diffraction

The type of diffraction formed when source of light or the screen on which diffraction pattern formed or both are at a finite distance from the obstacle or aperture. The incident wave front may be plane, spherical or cylindrical. The diffraction pattern is the image of obstacle or aperture.     


Friction is tangential force between the contact surfaces of two bodies.

Full Moon

Full moon is when the sun and the moon are facing opposite, being in opposite direction from an earth perspective. A full moon is the lunar phase that occurs when the Moon is completely illuminated as seen from the Earth.

Full Wave Rectifier

Device in which current flows through the load in some direction for both half cycles of input ac voltage is called full wave rectifier.

Fundamental Frequency

Lowest frequency of periodic wave function is termed as fundamental frequency. 

Fundamental Particles

The word fundamental implies that the particles are basic building blocks of matter. They are nothing but quanta of corresponding field. Study of fundamental particles is basis to understand radiation phenomena. We may regard any radiation as a flux of elementary particles.

Fundamental Quantity

The physical quantity which does not depend on other quantities is known as fundamental quantity.

Fundamental Unit

The unit used to measure fundamental quantity is called fundamental unit.

Fusion Bomb

See hydrogen bomb. 

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