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It is the mechanical property which is a measure of degree of plastic deformation that has been sustained at fracture. It is expressed quantitatively as either percent elongation or percent reduction in area from a tensile test.

Dulong & Petit’s Law

It is the law which states that the atomic heat capacity for all solids is same and is nearly equal to 25 Jmol-1K-1 and is independent of temperature. 

Dwarf Star

It is small and low mass star that emits relatively less amount of light.  Most dwarf stars, including sun, burn their hydrogen at a much slower rate than giant and super giant stars and are consequently less luminous and have longer life spans that those main sequence stars do.


The branch of classical mechanics that is concerned with effects of forces on motion of a body or system of bodies, especially of forces that do not originate within the system itself is called as dynamics.

Dynamo Meter

Device used for measuring the force or torque or power available from a rotating shaft.


 It is an electrical device which converts mechanical energy into electrical energy utilizing the phenomenon of electromagnetic induction.


 It is unit of force specified in CGS system of units.

1 dyne = 10-5 Newtons 

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